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发布时间:2023-11-21 15:19:31 来源:北京交通大学科研院 作者:刘泽琳 1447

《高速铁路(英文)》由北京交通大学主办,关注并传播高速铁路发展新理论、新技术,反映高速铁路规划与设计、运营与管理,高速铁路设备及铁路工程等方面的最新成果的期刊High-speed Railway已在Sciencedirect平台发布了第二期,欢迎广大师生、业内同仁免费下载、阅读!

英文题目:TCP-LTE/5G Cross-layer Performance Analysis Tool for High Mobility Data Networking and a Case Study on High-speed Railway

Abstract: Nowadays, high mobility scenarios have become increasingly common. The widespread adoption of high-speed rail (HSR) in China exemplifies this trend, while more promising use cases, such as vehicle-to-everything, continue to emerge. However, the Internet access provided in high mobility environments still struggles to achieve seamless connectivity. The next generation of wireless cellular technology 5G further poses more requirements on the end-to-end evolution to fully utilize its ultra-high bandwidth, while existing network diagnostic tools focus on above-IP layers or below-IP layers only. We then propose HiMoDiag, which enables flexible online analysis of the network performance in a cross-layer manner, i.e., from the top (application layer) to the bottom (physical layer). We believe HiMoDiag could greatly simplify the process of pinpointing the deficiencies of the Internet access delivery on HSR, lead to more timely optimization and ultimately help to improve the network performance.

Keywords: LTE, 5G, Cellular networks, High mobility, TCP, Network diagnostics, High-speed railway.

Highlights: We present HiMoDiag, a pioneering analysis tool designed specifically for high mobility networking with the following key features:

  1. The flexibility to conduct a variety of experiments, from bandwidth probing to video streaming, using the desired access technology, whether LTE or 5G.
  2. The comprehensive capability to capture essential performance metrics and events spanning multiple layers (from the physical layer to the application layer) and across both client and server endpoints;
  3. An intuitive graphical interface that provides real-time visualization of network statistics across layers and endpoints during experiments.





关键词:LTE, 5G, 蜂窝网络, 高速移动, TCP, 网络诊断, 高速铁路。


1. 能够自如地针对各类网络负载应用所选的接入技术进行测试,例如在5G环境下的文件下载、在LTE环境下的视频播放等。

2. 能够全面捕捉关乎网络性能的关键指标和事件,这些数据涵盖客户端与服务器双端,并跨越从物理层至应用层的多个层级。

3. 设有直观的图形界面,能在实验中实时展现跨层和跨端点的网络时间序列和统计数据。









    High-speed Railway (《高速铁路(英文)》ISSN 2949-8678;英文缩写HSPR)是由北京交通大学主办的开放获取型英文学术期刊,期刊入选2022年度中国科技期刊卓越行动计划高起点新刊项目。期刊主编由卢春房院士担任。

    High-speed Railway主要刊发交通运输类相关的综述性论文和研究性论文。期刊以传播新理论、新技术,探讨高速铁路发展中的理论与实践问题为导向,坚持理论与实践、引进与创新相结合的方针,努力反映高速铁路规划与设计、运营与管理,高速铁路设备及铁路工程等方面的最新成果,促进国际间的学术交流与合作,为提升我国高速铁路事业的国际影响力,促进世界高速铁路技术的发展服务。

High-speed Railway期刊收录的所有文章都经过严格、高水平的同行评审,一经收录将发表在月活用户超过1700万的ScienceDirect平台,供领域内的学者及全球读者免费阅读、下载及引用。


